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Pelaajien rankkaaminen

Aloittaja Hönkki, huhtikuu 27, 2010, 18:18:47

« edellinen - seuraava »


Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Tuo ei ole hassumpi systeemi. Positiivisinta tuossa on se, että tulokset kovia pelaajia vastaan ovat merkityksellisempiä. Toisaalta meidän lajissamme pelityylien sopivuus tiettyjä pelaajia vastaan ehkä sekoittaisi tilannetta. Ainakin vaatisi laskemista, ja suurin osa (kuten minä) olisi ihan pihalla koko systeemistä...


Ööööö.... Ihan "hyvä" idea..  Kai...  ???

t.Matikka 7


Alunperin sain idean tästä brittien foorumin kirjoituksesta. Tuossa systeemissä on otettu mukaan myös shoot out -kisat.


SussexSweetShop.Com Five Star Rankings

Some will recall a few years ago I ran an independent rating system, then called the STF rankings. Now I have free time in my life again I have decided to relaunch this system.

I originally decided to create a new system so I could personally have a better idea before each match as to how good my opponent was. All the available systems were based on a combination of how many events you played in combined with how far you progressed. The weakness of this style of table is that a great player who has only attended one event would appear average at best. I needed a table that looked at each individual result, and the quality of the opponent.

The answer was a table built on averages. The weakness to this system is that players who have only played in a closed tournament could appear better than they actually are, as there would be no way of comparing their results with other players on the table. Because of this many juniors will achieve a higher ranking by staying exclusively in the juniors, until they play someone who has crossed over onto the Open circuit. Naturally, as more and more matches are added onto the database the table becomes more and more accurate.

The system will work on a three year cycle, with results counting from that season, along with the last two full preceding seasons. Each player's rating is constantly recalculated over the entire time. Its not the opponent's rating at the time which counts, its their rating now; which ensures the entire table is as accurate as possible (early events in the oldest events would appear to be 'closed tournaments' and give an artificially high score to those involved).

I intend to include all National and International matches played in the British Isles. At this time I only have matches played in England during this season but will shortly be requesting tournament results from the other home nations and ROI to complete the table from 2009/10 season. I have no immediate plans to backdate to previous seasons at this time. All players will be rated, UK and international; but only results achieved in the UK will be counted. Travelling UK players abroad cannot be rated as this would require ranking every other player at that tournament also.


Each player collects points as follows to give a total points score
Win in normal time = Opponent's score *1.5
Win (GG/Shots) = Opponent's score *1.25
Drawn Match = Opponent's score
Loss (GG/Shots) = Opponent's score *0.75
Loss in normal time = Opponent's score *0.5
The total points are then divided by the number of games played.

To calculate the table each player's score is initially set to 100. The above system is run to find their opponent's average performance.

"Test Player A" wins every game has a score of 150 as follows. Each of their matches they would gain their opponent's score of 100*1.5 =150, assuming five games played gives a total points of 750. This is then divided by the number of games played 750pts/5 = 150pts.
"Test Player B" has 2 Wins, 1 Draw and a Defeat on Shots. So that's 150pts for each of their two wins, 100pts for the draw and 75pts for the shoot-out defeat (150+150+100+75=475pts). This points total of 475 is divided by the 4 games played making an average performance of 118.75pts
"Test Player C" has three defeats. Using the same system it is easy to see their average performance score will be 50.

The table is then recalculated with each players average performance becoming their player score (so instead of "Test Player A" starting with 100 he begins with 150, "Test Player B" starts with 118.75pts, and "Test Player C" starts with 50). The recalculated table is the final ranking.

Our final example will be "Test Player D", who was in a group of four with the other three test players. He lost to players A and B, but beat player C. His final rating would be worked out as follows:

Lost to Player A rated 150 = 150*0.5 = 75pts
Lost to Player B rated 118.75 = 118.75*0.5 = 59.37pts
Win vs Player C rated 50 = 50*1.5 = 75pts
Total points scored = 75+59.37+75= 209.37
which is divided by his three games played = 209.37/3 = 69.79
"Test Player D"'s final rating is 69.79pts

Ratings to the second decimal place are not exactly friendly so I have divided the table up into five 'starred' sections.
***** 130pts +
**** 110 – 129.99pts
*** 90 – 109.99pts
** 70 – 89.99pts
* - 69.99pts

And that is it... clearer than mud!


Systeemi on aika raskas ylläpitää ellei kehitä softaa joka laskee kaiken (ehkä teenkin joskus). Meidän nykyinen rankingsysteemi on minulle ok. Henk. koht. puuhastelun hengessä saatan vaan testata mitä tuosta yllä esitetystä pistelaskusysteemistä saa irti.

LainaaAinakin vaatisi laskemista, ja suurin osa (kuten minä) olisi ihan pihalla koko systeemistä...

Minä taas ymmärrän siitä enemmän kuin sveitsiläisestä  :D ;)
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Hönkki - huhtikuu 28, 2010, 12:33:33
Systeemi on aika raskas ylläpitää ellei kehitä softaa joka laskee kaiken (ehkä teenkin joskus). Meidän nykyinen rankingsysteemi on minulle ok. Henk. koht. puuhastelun hengessä saatan vaan testata mitä tuosta yllä esitetystä pistelaskusysteemistä saa irti.

Kenties tuolta kirjoittajalta voisi kysyä softaa? Tai vastaavasti shakkiliitolta? Saattaisi löytyä netistäkin.

Jos tuohon löytyisi helppo ohjelma, niin ehdottomasti kokeilemisen arvoinen epävirallisesti. Todennäköisesti huomattavasti parempi kertomaan pelaajien oikeista voimasuhteista kuin mitkään nykyrankingit.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: Hönkki - huhtikuu 28, 2010, 12:33:33
LainaaAinakin vaatisi laskemista, ja suurin osa (kuten minä) olisi ihan pihalla koko systeemistä...

Minä taas ymmärrän siitä enemmän kuin sveitsiläisestä  :D ;)

Sveitsiläinen on liian kevyttä matikkaa sinulle...

Kyllähän tuo aukeaa, kun sitä hieman enemmän tutkii ja kokeilee käytännössä. Moni ei vain jaksa perehtyä, joten ihmettelyä riittäisi. Jossain määrin samahan se toisaalta on sveitsiläisessä.