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HeFi 06-07

Aloittaja Hönkki, elokuu 20, 2006, 13:16:17

« edellinen - seuraava »


Both dates are good to me. There ain't going to be any games next week?  :?
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "SUFC"Both dates are good to me. There ain't going to be any games next week?  :?

Well, I can't organise.

Eliot Kennedy

Thanks Hönkki! :lol:


I'll do the new league tabble to the subu-site and just wanted to make sure my info is right.

First teh current situation:

Eliot____ 2 2 0 0 9 1 8 6
Vesa____ 2 2 0 0 3 1 2 6
Kaitsu___ 2 1 1 0 4 1 3 4
Petri____ 2 1 1 0 4 1 3 4
Hönkki__ 1 0 0 1 0 1 -1 0
Saku____ 1 0 0 1 0 3 -3 0
Timo____ 2 0 0 2 2 5 -3 0
Masse___ 2 0 0 2 0 9 -9 0

Second thing is the players..

those who aren't in the tabble but are still in the league are:
- Zinga
- Zaccy
- Wille
- Seppo
- Mankinen

If there's something wrong in this info, please notice me whit the correct one(s).
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"Seuraavat pelipäivät olisivat to 15.3. ja su 18.3. Löytyykö intoa pelata molempina päivinä? Sunnuntaina voitaisiin pelata enemmänkin.

The next gamedays are thu 15.3. and sun 18.3. if people want to play on both days. On sunday we could play more games.

Torstai sopii mulle hyvin, kuten aina torstait paitsi kesällä kun on Klubin pelit silloin tällöin torstaina. Sunnuntai 18.3. ei käy koska silloin on Kurvissa pelejä, paitsi jos pelataan joskus klo. 16.00 tai sen jälkeen jolloin varmaan ehtisin Kurvista Ruskeasuolle.
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LainaaMasse___ 1 0 0 1 0 6 -6 0

Pitäisi olla Masse 2 0 0 2 0-9 0
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Heitänpä kissan pöydälle: Mankinen on ilmoittanut että ei tule samaan liigaan Sepon kanssa. Ehdotan että yritetään etsiä neuvotteluratkaisu.

Mankinen will not be in the same league with Seppo. I suggest we try to negotiate.
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Ehdotan että Sepon ja Mankisen pelissä Eliot on tuomari ja minä ja Zinga rajamiehiä. Jos näitä pelejä sitten ikinä pelataan ...

I suggest that Eliot is the referee in the games between Seppo and Mankinen. I and Zinga would be the linesmen. If these games are ever going to play ...
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


I honestly think that this is a ridiculous situation when we are talking about adults. We have a superb atmosphere at the moment in the league and I really think this problem in the past has nothing to do with this league.

But if you can't come to terms with the past, I think that Mankinen has the upper hand because he's been active from last autumn in the new wave of finnish table football. And he did sign up for the new league first.

I hope you get your disagreement sorted, and you are welcome to the league. But with the attitude from the past years neither one is welcomed by me.

Might sound harsh but I allways speak my mind.


Mankinen ilmoitti että hän vetäytyy ja antaa Sepon pelata liigaa. Mankinen käy pelaamassa treenipelejä ja ranking-kisoja. Helsingin reissut ovat kuulemma muutenkin vähentyneet.

Mankinen informed that he will concentrate on training-games and ranking-tournaments. Seppo can play the league. Mankinen has nowadays less professionalduties in Helsinki anyway.
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Kinda sad to hear that bacause it means we are 'losing' one player and the drama from the stoneage is still alive. Hopefully these guys can sort this out at some point so we all can shake hands and play together, like some of us have already done. Only good thing was that this happened before these guys had started the season.

Vesa, when you have time and energy you could make new schedule. Hopefully this won't cause so much trouble to do it.
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Uusi sarjaohjelma menee niin että lepovuorossa ollut laitetaan Mankisen paikalle.
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Yksinkertainen on kaunista! (enkä nyt puhu Herra Puheenjohtajasta  :pulmunen: )
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!

Eliot Kennedy

Voi nenä! :?

I hesitate to offer an opinion for the sake of it given that this issue has now been sorted out, but for what it is worth....I agree it's kind of unfortunate that whatever the issue is seemingly cannot be resolved, especially in the fairly small 'community' that is table football (the game needs all the players it can get working and playing together, both in Finland and globally), but people are adults and make their own choices.

I understand that the issue has now been avoided, but from previous experiences in Australia, a good atmosphere is essential to a successful and enjoyable league.

As long as someone bought me some protective clothing :wink:, I would've been happy to referee as suggested....but if not, not.


Kommentoin nyt kuitenkin vaikka vähän ulkopuolinen olenkin...aikuiset ihmiset tekee omat henkilökohtaiset ratkaisunsa. Kunnioitetaan niitä ja jatketaan eteenpäin niillä mitä käsiin jää. harmillisiahan nämä tällaiset episodit ovat. :poo:
Hajuton, mauton ja väritön, selvinpäin :D
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