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HeFi 06-07

Aloittaja Hönkki, elokuu 20, 2006, 13:16:17

« edellinen - seuraava »


Okei, osittain vaikea sanoa ketkä sitä viimeksi käyttivät, kun tosiaan lähdin ennen muita pois paikalta. Eikä sillä niin väliä kuka sen on talteen ottanut kunhan saan pallon takaisin  8)
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Tulossa on!
Eilen illalla treenien alkaessa boksista ulostui oranssi tango.  :shock:


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Sakdi"Tulossa on!
Eilen illalla treenien alkaessa boksista ulostui oranssi tango.  :P
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Illan tulokset:

Petri - Wille 2-1
Hönkki - Petri 1-0
Timo - Saku 4-0
Zinga - Wille 1-1
Hönkki - Wille 2-1
Vesa - Saku 5-1
Zinga - Timo 2-1
Vesa - Petri 5-3
Hönkki - Saku 2-0


Vesa____ 5 5 0 0__15-6_15
Zinga___ 5 4 1 0__12-4_13
Hönkki__ 7 4 0 3___8-8_12
Kaitsu___ 5 3 1 1__10-6 10
Petri____6 2 1 3___10-11_7
Eliot____ 3 2 0 1___10-3_6
Seppo___2 2 0 0___4-1__6
Timo____5 2 0 3__10-8__6
Wille____5 1 1 3___6-7__4
Saku____7 1 0 6___3-19_3
Jarkko___3 0 0 3___0-4__0
Masse___ 3 0 0 3___1-12_0
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


The start of the season has been quite successful. For my part of course very successful, but I suppose all good things come to an end sooner or later. Quite successful because there are a couple of things I think are not ideal.

First and foremost I think that we must try to referee every single game. Today we had only seven players, and as we decided to play on three tables there wasn't enough of us to referee games. This is always bad in the FISTF-rules game, as difficult situations are a norm, and they can cause bad blood in the league if they are not decided by a referee. So next time with seven guys present I think we will play a bit less games on just two tables, but have a referee in every single game.

Everyone has to also understand that, as in international competitions, refereeing is everyone's responsibility.

Another thing with which I personally am not so happy with is the program which is all messed up already. The biggest reason being naturally the fact that Mankinen didn't participate. Therefore I am making a new program for the second round, so that it is easier to stick with it.

But even when it isn't perfect I don't really understand why Hönkki and Saku played their game from the last round today, as they both had already six games each beforehand. Sorry guys, but I'm baffled. What's the use for having a program if we skip it altogether? And the positives of having a program have already been discussed.

There are guys who have only two or three matches and now some have as much as seven. This is only causing the players with more games match days that are mostly spent on the sidelines refereeing. That is because we can't have too many players absent to have enough referees.

Some are saying it's good to play games out of the way, but I really don't see the point with big differences in number of games played. It only makes the latter stages of the league more difficult to organize so that everyone gets to play at least once a match day. Last season's end was and is quite stupid because there where mostly Heikonen's and Wille's games to be played and the opponents only had one game each against them.

The best way to get the league played successfully is that everyone is ready to play multiple games (no handbreakers please) even if the feeling isn't the best, but also that everyone (especially the more experienced players) is ready to referee. Refereeing takes time, but is an integral part of the game. It also helps the newcomers to get to know the rules.

So the next match day has to be one that is good for Seppo, Zaccy, Masse and Eliot, because they have the least games played.

And remember that the home team has the right to choose colours. If there is a clash it's the away teams responsibility to change colours or to find another solution.

So with these thoughts towards an even better league.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "SUFC"
Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Sakdi"Tulossa on!
Eilen illalla treenien alkaessa boksista ulostui oranssi tango.  :P

Pallo löytyy nyt minulta.


I'll update league table and result to web later today/tonight when i can get into the server again.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"Pallo löytyy nyt minulta.
Hyvä homma.
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


turha viesti pois


LainaaBut even when it isn't perfect I don't really understand why Hönkki and Saku played their game from the last round today, as they both had already six games each beforehand. Sorry guys, but I'm baffled. What's the use for having a program if we skip it altogether? And the positives of having a program have already been discussed.

I can be referee in the next time and don't play at all. No problem.
Another thing: these texts should be also in finnish, because I happens to know that one older member of our league does not know much english.
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"The start of the season has been quite successful. For my part of course very successful, but I suppose all good things come to an end sooner or later.
It seems to be so that Vesa is the current frontrunner. I predict close league as everyone can beat everyone!

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"First and foremost I think that we must try to referee every single game.

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"Therefore I am making a new program for the second round, so that it is easier to stick with it.
I think that it is not possible to play strictly with rounds as someone is always missing. Could the program be so that the league (total of 22 rounds) is divided into six phases: 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 and 3 games? No games from the next phase are allowed to be played until the previous phase is finnished. This would allow us to play games more flexible, but still keep the program. Comments?


Liiga aloitettiin 1.3 ja nyt on pelattu 28 peliä, mikä on aika hyvä tahti, jos yritetään saada liiga loppumaan siihen mennessä kun Eliot lähtee. Liigassa on 132 peliä ja liigaa on aikaa pelata maalis-, huhti-, touko- ja kesäkuu. Tekee yhteensä 122 päivää eli pitäisi pelata enemmän kuin päivä per peli.

LainaaCould the program be so that the league (total of 22 rounds) is divided into six phases: 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 and 3 games? No games from the next phase are allowed to be played until the previous phase is finnished. This would allow us to play games more flexible, but still keep the program. Comments?

En vastusta, mutta pelaajien aktiivisuudesta tämä on loppujen lopuksi kuitenkin kiinni. Mikä tahansa systeemi toimii, jos osallistumisprosentti on aina lähellä sataa. Tärkeää olisi, että kukaan ei jätä kahta peräkkäistä pelikertaa väliin.
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses


Meikäläinen on varannut kalenteristaan nuo torstait nopealle tai subulle ylipäätään. Myös viikonloput onnistuvat tarvittaessa. Ainoat harmitukset omalla kohdallani ovat tämän kaltaiset viikot, jolloin pelipäivä ei itselleni käy (suht harvinaista tosin) ja torstaina/muina päivinä ei pelejä ole.

Peli per päivä on suht helppo toteuttaa jos aktiivisuus pysyy samanlaisena, kuin tähänkin asti. Pelimäärien tosin soisi olevan hieman tasaisempi, mutta eiköhän nekin tuosta tasoitu vaikkei 5 pelin ero pienimmän ja suurimman välillä olekaan paha.
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Jaahas, Käänsin juuri pitkän tekstini suomeksi, vastailin kommentteihin kahdella kielellä - ja suljin sitten vahingossa ikkunan ennen lähettämistä! Voi näitä elämän ihania hetkiä!

Ok, I just translated the longer text to finnish and answered to all comments in both languages - and then closed the window by mistake before sending! Oh, these wonderful moments in life!


About the tick rule:

I) Ticks. What's the limit in these? Iirc it was 3 ticks in one ball control period.
I) Poistot. Millainen rajoitus näissä on? Mikäli muistan oikein, niin 3 poistoa yhden pallon hallintajakson aikana.
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


LainaaI) Poistot. Millainen rajoitus näissä on? Mikäli muistan oikein, niin 3 poistoa yhden pallon hallintajakson aikana.

Noinhan se on...
Hajuton, mauton ja väritön, selvinpäin :D
TFC Lynx - Tää joukkue on perseestä, ja syvältä, ja perseestä. Oo-lee-o-le-o-le-o-lee..


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Puppe"
LainaaI) Poistot. Millainen rajoitus näissä on? Mikäli muistan oikein, niin 3 poistoa yhden pallon hallintajakson aikana.

Noinhan se on...

Ja vielä tarkennusta eli eikös niin että jos poistat vaikka kolme ukkoa kerralla niin jokaisen poiston jälkeen pakilla vastasiirto - ei siis niin että ensin kolme poistoa ja sitten kolme vastausta.
Lukenut HeSun höpötysosaston (325 sivua) läpi kahdessa viikossa.