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Nauretaan kaikki Tottenhamille

Aloittaja Zinga, lokakuu 24, 2008, 10:15:45

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Tekstit otettu Football365.com sivustolta:


When Robbie Keane left Wolves, they got relegated.
When Robbie Keane left Coventry, they got relegated.
When Robbie Keane left Leeds, they got relegated.
When Robbie Keane left Spurs, ............

I met this really kinky girl last night. 'Humiliate me,' she said ... So I bought her a Tottenham shirt

Haringey council has blocked Tottenham's plans to build a new ground on Northumberland Park. A town hall source said: 'We don't mind having a funfair there once a year, but a circus every fortnight is a bit much.'

'I was playing Scrabble and had enough letters to make 'Tottenham Hotspur Football Club'. I was gutted when I found out it was only worth two points.'

Tesco are releasing new Oxo cubes in Spurs colours. Customers are told to look out for laughing stocks.

A young boy goes to social services and tells them he has nowhere to live. 'What about your parents?' asks the social worker. 'No, they beat me,' says the boy. 'What about your grandparents?' says the social worker. 'No, they beat me even harder!' says the boy. 'Well ... where do you want to stay then?' replies the social worker. 'Tottenham,' says the boy. 'They don't beat anyone.

What do a toothpick and Tottenham have in common? They both have two points

Juande Ramos, shortly after another training session, comments to the head groundsman at White Hart Lane how impressive the pitch is looking. 'It ought to,' replies the groundsman. 'We put 70 million quid's worth of manure on it every week.'

I just went down to the newsagents and bought Tottenham Hotspur magazine. Thank goodness they had porn mags to hide it in.

What does a Spurs fan do after he sees his team win? Turns off the Xbox

After leaving San Siro, Jose Mourinho was asked if he was going to help Spurs get out of their slump. He turned around and said, 'No way, I ain't that special'.

Apparently the entire Tottenham squad have been busy honing their skills playing the computer game Championship Manager. Sadly it seems Juande misunderstood and thinks they want to play for a Championship manager.

Contrary to what you may think, Spurs are the strongest team in the league at the moment. Sure, aren't they holding everyone else up?

What do the Premier League and a cowboy have in common? They both have spurs at their feet.

A man was found dead floating in the Thames, wearing a blond wig, full make-up, bra, knickers, suspenders and a Spurs shirt. Before informing the next of kin the police removed the Spurs shirt to save the family embarrassment.

What would an improved version of Spurs be called? Newcastle United.

Did you hear that Juande Ramos was clocked doing 169mph on the M1 coming back from Stoke? Apparently he was just so desperate for three points.

Is it just me or are Spurs the team to beat this season? Everyone's at it.

A man is sitting in a pub with his jack russell dog one Sunday afternoon. The football results are coming up on the television in the corner: 'Stoke City 2, Tottenham Hotspur 1,' reads the announcer. Suddenly the jack russell jumps up and shouts out, 'Oh, no, not again.' The shocked landlord says, 'That's amazing. Why did he say that when it was announced that Tottenham lost?' 'Because he's a Spurs supporter,' the dog's owner replies. The landlord then asks what the dog says when Tottenham win a match, to which the man replies, 'I don't know. I've only had him six months.'

When a groggy Vedran Corluka regained consciousness in the ambulance leaving the Britannia Stadium on Sunday he asked medical staff who he was. On being told he played football for Tottenham Hotspur he lapsed into a coma.

All trains through White Hart Lane have been cancelled due to a massive points failure.

What's the difference between Juande Ramos and a cowboy? A cowboy wears Spurs on his boots whereas Ramos is a poo manager.

What does THFC stand for? Tottenham Heading For the Championship.

A little boy gets £10 for his birthday and rushes down to the sports shop to buy the new football he has been desperate for. He gives the ball to the shopkeeper, who says, 'Sorry, son, this ball is £20. You only have £10'. The boy says, 'OK, if you blindfold me and I can guess the name of the club on any ball, will you give it to me for £10?' He agrees and gives the boy an Arsenal ball. 'I can hear cannons blasting, so it's an Arsenal ball.' Next he gives him a Millwall ball: 'I hear lions, so it's Millwall.' Amazed, the shopkeeper says, 'Get this and you can have it for nothing.' The boy listens and says Spurs. The man asks if he's heard a cockerel. 'No,' says the boy. 'It's going down.'

What's the difference between Bigfoot and the Spurs defence? Bigfoot has been spotted several times.

Spurs have been forced to rename their ground 'White Lane' because their 'Hart' was surgically removed when Berbatov and Keane were sold.

I was walking home the other evening and saw half the spurs team playing football with a hedgehog. I was going to call the RSPCA but the hedgehog was 4-0 up!!


Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Zinga"Tekstit otettu Football365.com sivustolta:

En tiedä kumpi on naurettavampaa, Tottenham vai tuo sivusto.

Ottaen huomioon Spursin järkyttävän olemassaolon Alan Sugarin jälkeisenä aikana, on kyllä pidettävä naurettavimpana sitä, että joku joukkue pystyy ryssimään kahden maalin johdon Spursia vastaan, kun peliä on pelattu 88 minuuttia.

Siis: Onko naurettavampaa olla naurettava, vai olla suorastaan avuton naurettavan joukkueen epätoivoisen lopputuhinan aikana?

Spursin kunniaksi on sanottava, että se ei käy ryöstöretkillä muissa maissa viemässä nuoria, jotka eivät voi oman maansa sääntöjen mukaan allekirjoittaa ammattilaissopimusta silloin, kun se lädilandiassa on mahdollista. Samaa ei voi sanoa kuin yhdestä jengistä vakiintuneessa UCL-porukassa.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Rossonero"Ottaen huomioon Spursin järkyttävän olemassaolon Alan Sugarin jälkeisenä aikana, on kyllä pidettävä naurettavimpana sitä, että joku joukkue pystyy ryssimään kahden maalin johdon Spursia vastaan, kun peliä on pelattu 88 minuuttia.

Siis: Onko naurettavampaa olla naurettava, vai olla suorastaan avuton naurettavan joukkueen epätoivoisen lopputuhinan aikana?
Ei mua ainakaan yhtään naurattanut eilen  :wall:

Täytyy kuitenkin todeta samaa kuin Wenger, että kyllä Arsu oli eilen Spursia kertaluokkaa parempi joukkue, mutta meni kämmäämään pelin omaa hölmöyttään.

No, eipähän voi kukaan lauleskella boring, boring Arsenalista...


Katselin tuosta ekan jakson, ja toinen on katsomatta kohokohtia lukuunottamatta. Ekan jakson perusteella koko peli oli aika huonoa, ja virheitä tehtiin molempiin suuntiin liikaa. Enemmän mokaili Spurs, tietenkin. Tuomari oli myös hukannut pillinsä yhdessä vaiheessa, kun olisi pitänyt jakaa kortteja.

Ei ole sinänsä ihme, jos Arsu oli parempi, koska Spursilla on nyt kriittiset ajat itsetunnon kanssa, ja peli on ollut sekaisin. Uskon Spursin nousevan kymmenen sakkiin, mutta ei mene Eurooppaan, ja toisaalta Arsun rutiini tuollakin puolustuksella vie neljän joukkoon, koska haastajat (mm. ManC) eivät vain ole tarpeeksi tasaisia suorittajia.


Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses

Gnucastle (Ommo)

The RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) are warning that if one sees a person with an Arsenal shirt on walking a dog, phone them immediately on 42 43 44, as the person is unable to hold on to a lead.
- Life is a witch and then you fly -


Katselin pelin loppuun asti, ja täytyy kyllä kovasti miettiä oliko ottelussa huonointa tuomari, Canalin selostaja (Taivainen, joka kehui peliä) vai pelin taso. Aivan uskomattoman heikkotasoinen ottelu, jossa molemmat pelaajistot taktisesti täysin pihalla, pallo ei pysynyt juuri kenenkään hallussa ja syötöt aivan minne sattuu toistuvasti. Arsenalin pelaajat olivat lopussa (4-3 -tilanteessa) joko liian ylimielisiä edelleen, liian ahneita tai todennäköisimmin liian tyhmiä pitämään palloa pari minuuttia hallussaan. Nythän he ehtivät maalia edeltäneen minuutinkin aikana menettää pallon ainakin kahteen otteeseen.

Kun kaikki maali 4-4 -pelissä tulevat puolustajien ja maalivahtien silmiinpistävän huonouden takia, eivätkä hyökkääjien hyvyyden takia, on kyseessä suoraan sanoen surkea ottelu. Jälleen nähtiin, että maalit eivät automaattisesti tee ottelusta hyvää, jos ei ole Canalin "asiantuntija".

Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Gnucastle"The RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) are warning that if one sees a person with an Arsenal shirt on walking a dog, phone them immediately on 42 43 44, as the person is unable to hold on to a lead.

Aika hyvää sanailua.


Lainaa42 43 44

vai mikä se oli ?
Bailey, Gidman, Albiston, Wilkins, Moran, McQueen, Coppell, Birtles, Stapleton, Robson, Macari. Sub. Moses