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Aloittaja Hönkki, kesäkuu 24, 2008, 13:24:08

« edellinen - seuraava »


MM-skabat tulevan viikonloppuna http://fistf.com/WorldCup/2017/ .

Saisko Gavrilon ja Kokkiksen videoraadin vaikka youtubeen?



Pietarista näyttäis olevan pelaajia tuolla, koskas lähdetään allegrolla valuuttabaariin? Myös brittien "The Glide, Slide, Chip & Dip Club" on selvää KosTon ystävyysainesta.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: nabel - elokuu 31, 2017, 10:11:08Saisko Gavrilon ja Kokkiksen videoraadin vaikka youtubeen?


Omalta osaltani yhteistyö Kokkiksen kanssa liittyy musiikkiin esim. tekeillä olevaan levyyn (jonka tekeminen varsinaisesti suunnittelusession osalta alkanee lähipäivinä josta alustavasti keskusteltu) sekä mahdolliseen bänditoimintaan (josta ei ole keskusteltu mutta itse näytän tälle mahdollisuudelle vihreää valoa ehdottomasti). MM-kisojen kaltaiset videoraadit ovat osaltani poissuljettuja mutta musan tekeminen ehdottomasti kannatettavaa.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Gavrilo P. Princip - elokuu 31, 2017, 10:41:47
Lainaus käyttäjältä: nabel - elokuu 31, 2017, 10:11:08Saisko Gavrilon ja Kokkiksen videoraadin vaikka youtubeen?


Omalta osaltani yhteistyö Kokkiksen kanssa liittyy musiikkiin esim. tekeillä olevaan levyyn (jonka tekeminen varsinaisesti suunnittelusession osalta alkanee lähipäivinä josta alustavasti keskusteltu) sekä mahdolliseen bänditoimintaan (josta ei ole keskusteltu mutta itse näytän tälle mahdollisuudelle vihreää valoa ehdottomasti). MM-kisojen kaltaiset videoraadit ovat osaltani poissuljettuja mutta musan tekeminen ehdottomasti kannatettavaa.

Kokkis lupaili siis taas liikoja!?


Lainaus käyttäjältä: LääkintäMajuri - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:12:43Kokkis lupaili siis taas liikoja!?

Päinvastoin. Piti ainoastaan lähipäiviä mahdollisena ja asiasta sovitaan myöhemmin tarkemmin.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Gavrilo P. Princip - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:19:38
Lainaus käyttäjältä: LääkintäMajuri - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:12:43Kokkis lupaili siis taas liikoja!?

Päinvastoin. Piti ainoastaan lähipäiviä mahdollisena ja asiasta sovitaan myöhemmin tarkemmin.

Tarkoitin, että lupaili teidän yhteisanal&lyysivideota jo ajat sitten. Kun on älypuhelin ja kaikkea..


Lainaus käyttäjältä: LääkintäMajuri - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:42:47
Lainaus käyttäjältä: Gavrilo P. Princip - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:19:38
Lainaus käyttäjältä: LääkintäMajuri - elokuu 31, 2017, 11:12:43Kokkis lupaili siis taas liikoja!?

Päinvastoin. Piti ainoastaan lähipäiviä mahdollisena ja asiasta sovitaan myöhemmin tarkemmin.

Tarkoitin, että lupaili teidän yhteisanal&lyysivideota jo ajat sitten. Kun on älypuhelin ja kaikkea..

Ymmärsin hieman väärin. Yhteisanalyysivideoista jo muistaakseni ajat sitten sanoin jo heti kättelyssä kieltäytyväni ja sama linja on pysynyt siitä asti kuten aiemmin toistin. Musa ja siihen liittyvä mahdollinen videomateriaali (lähinnä livemateriaali esim. keikoilta) on eri juttu.


Ehkä edes podcast ilman liikkuvaa kuvaa?



Lainaus käyttäjältä: nabel - elokuu 31, 2017, 12:20:49
Ehkä edes podcast ilman liikkuvaa kuvaa?

Kyse ei ole kuvamateriaalin muodosta/formaatista (yms. mitä sanaa halutaan käyttää). Olen kiinnostunut esiintymään kuvatallenteissa jotka liittyvät esim. musiikkiin, liiketoimintaan yms. eli muuhun kuin Subuun. Kyse ei siis ole ettenkö olisi innokas olemaan kuvattuna vaan lähinnä viiteryhmästä mitä tallenne välittää. Subu on lähinnä ajanvietettä tarvittaessa mutta muuhun vakavampaan olen valmis panostamaan esiintymiseen kameran edessä.


Sääli, jukkapalmun takaa ois ollu hyvä nimi.


FISTF:ssä kuohuu edelleen normaaliin tapaan. Meilejä on tullut minulle kaikelaisia, alla yksi näyte. Voin pistää näitä enemmänkin näytille , jos haluatte.
Kokonaisuus on hyvin, hyvin sekavaa ja on vaikea päästä perille siitä kenen puolella pitäisi olla. Olenkin ollut täysin sivustakatsoja.

Kai tällä on jotain viihdearvoa.


16 November 2017

to the Global Table Football community

National Associations, Clubs, Players, Suppliers, Promoters


It is with sadness that I must report to you all, the recent goings on at FISTF board level that have resulted in the resignation of our president Alan Collins.

I say "our" because at the time of writing, I am still contracted to FISTF, but I can assure you all that I won't be honouring the contract without Mr. Collins in the chair.  I am shut out of meetings and new marketing strategies have been sabotaged, and destroyed.  FISTF has also lost their major partner in Subbuteo, due to the actions of rogue board members ... and the European Championships, which were to be another beacon for the sport, were destabilised, underfunded, and invisible to the media.

As many of you know, I have had a few stoushes with cowards and liars on the internet.  None of these stoushes were in table football forums and were private.  I will continue to defend myself, and retaliate against people who attack my business, my family, my ethics, and my initiatives.  That is my right.

Two of the biggest problem people in table football are Mr. Horst Deimel and Mr. Stefano de Francesco.  They recently joined the board (from the realm of the keyboard cowards) and immediately commenced destroying all the work done by the previous board over recent years.

Mr. Deimel wants to run FISTF, and has orchestrated many "secret" meetings to undermine Mr. Collins.

Mr. Deimel has also openly lied to other board members (proof in writing), and to the federations in his calling for an ILLEGAL extraordinary congress, two months after Mr. Collins and the board were reinstated with a large majority.  The EC called by the rogue board members has been deemed illegal by Mr. Mark Jackson of Cohen Cramer Solicitors who was asked by me to help defend Mr. Collins' name and integrity.  Mr. Jackson and I advised Mr. Collins to resign due to the illegal actions of other members of the FISTF board, once his integrity was protected.

National associations are now reporting back saying they never agreed to an extraordinary congress and Mr. Deimel and his associates are misrepresenting the truth.

He has been caught on numerous occasions, screenshotting private conversations and sharing them, after he selectively edits them.  He has done this to the Brand Manager for Subbuteo as well when he interfered in FISTF marketing, with Mr. Guerrero being rightfully annoyed.  He has openly and publicly denounced the Subbuteo brand, that has contributed tens of thousands of Euros to FISTF in recent years, not to mention invaluable marketing support.  Mr. Deimel doesn't understand the marketing science, hence his attempt to sell "lines of text" on the FISTF web page, to Subbuteo, for ridiculous amounts of money.

The man is a liar, he cannot be trusted, and not fit to be a board member of FISTF.   

Then there is Mr. de Francesco.  Mr. de Francesco has a chequered history when it comes to finances at the Italian federation, and is dishonest and cannot be trusted.  He believes that aligning with a smaller supplier of table football equipment will help to grow FISTF's footprint.  I strongly believe there is a place for Astrobase, musica labs, Tchaaa4 and other manufacturers of elite level equipment.  Subbuteo head office agrees.

However, the decision was made to work closely with Subbuteo, who also became a client of mine, as they had the ability to make FISTF grow globally.  The work Alan Collins and the previous board, have carried out in Russia, the Americas, Asia, Africa has been exemplary.  Much of this was done with the advice and support of Subbuteo.

Mr. de Francesco has no understanding of this and is a cancer in the FISTF boardroom.  He is there just to provide an extra vote for the rogue board members, and delivers nothing.

To suggest that I, in my marketing capacity was using FISTF to sell Subbuteo is simply a stupid stupid statement from Mr. de Francesco.  Of course I want FISTF to help Subbuteo sell more product !!!  That's what all sports do for their sponsors.  The double bonus is that the more new players that are introduced to the game – the better for FISTF and the table football community around the world.

Recently, we had another issue with Mr. Eric Naszalyi and the misappropriation of FISTF funds, and the devaluing of Subbuteo's support.

I am a witness to Mr. Naszalyi's promises that the FISTF World Cup "would cost FISTF nothing", and Mr. Naszalyi had some great ideas about how he would fund the event in France.  Well, Mr. Naszalyi didn't deliver.  He blamed you, the table football community for not supporting his sponsors, he blamed me.  He even blamed the hospitalised Alan Collins while pretending to be his friend and visiting him in hospital.  Mr. Naszalyi's agenda soon became clear.

Shortly after the World Cup, Mr. Naszalyi presented to Mr. Vulpes (FISTF treasurer) a number of invoices and bills. (attached).  None of these were approved by the president and/or the general secretary, which is normally the case.  Mr. Collins, Mr. Zammit Pavia and Mr. Vulpes normally keep a tight control on FISTF finances due to FISTF's limited commercial capacity.

But to the surprise of Mr. Collins and Mr. Zammit Pavia, Mr. Vulpes paid bills presented by Mr. Naszalyi with FISTF monies !!! ... these invoices (attached) have even been "edited" by Mr. Naszalyi himself.  FISTF is now technically "insolvent".

Then Mr. Naszalyi, with the help of his two cohorts on the board (de Francesco and Deimel) started to make ridiculous attacks on Subbuteo and myself – • "Subbuteo want to run FISTF" ... an unfounded lie which angered Subbuteo • "you (Tanner) are only in it for the money" ... I wonder how many jobs Mr. Naszalyi does for free ? ... I have taken nothing from FISTF for 18 months however.

This of course as many of you now know, led to Subbuteo withdrawing over EUR1000 of financial support, and stopping permission to use the valuable intellectual property of UEFA and the UEFA Champions League.

... then he starts with his silly "for the players, by the players" nonsense.  FISTF is a political mess, and has been for some time.  When Mr. Dettre brought me in to FISTF, he warned me about "the players who have held the game back and don't understand what the game needs to move forward".  Mr. Dettre continually asks me about when Subbuteo stock arrives in Australia.  He believes we need Subbuteo to grow the "grass roots" around the world and is often pleased by the reports I pass to him about new markets, reopened markets, etc.   

It's extremely funny how Mr. Dettre changes his tune to maintain his "30-year friendship" with the thief that is Mr. Naszalyi ???  Mr. Dettre wants "FISTF to move forward", but when evidence became clear as to what was happening in recent times, Mr. Dettre looked the other way when • members of his own federation defamed Mr. Collins, saying "I don't want to know" • he was shown evidence proving that Mr. Naszalyi misappropriated FISTF funds, saying "Eric is beyond reproach"

You can run a club like a church committee, but not an international association.

A lot has happened behind the backs of Mr. Collins and Mr. Zammit Pavia.  Mr. Zammit Pavia was deemed to be too close to Mr. Collins and was kept out of a lot of "secret discussions".  Mr. Dettre and Mr. Naszalyi have repeatedly complained about the quality of Mr. Zammit Pavia's work and wished for him to be removed well before the FISTF congress.  Then I witnessed Mr. Zammit Pavia being bullied and used by board members to do things he didn't want to do, and what he knew was wrong, unethical, and illegal.

As for me, as a sponsor put it "FISTF has too many small thinkers", which is not a criticism ... just a correct observation.  There is nothing wrong with that.  There is nothing wrong with maintaining 30-year friendships.  There is nothing wrong with maintaining friendships at all.

I have made a lot of friends during my time with FISTF and many of them are not happy with where FISTF is headed.  All I can say is that a lot of national federations have been in touch, and want changes for the better to continue.

Federations, clubs and players have given me valuable feedback.  You want – • quality events • transparency and honesty in administration • to see the game grow globally • more media exposure • more commercial viability

The above cannot be achieved with a board that lies to members, steals members' funds, goes back on their word, stabs their peers in the back, change their position mid-strategy to suit friendships.

I will continue to work in the game for the time being ... there are exciting plans.

Some truths and mistruths – • Alan Collins did not use FISTF funds to buy a car • I am not Mr. Collins' "boss" (a lie from Mr. Deimel) • a full board meeting should have called for an extraordinary congress ... a number of board members were not invited to the meeting prior to Mr. Deimel's communication to you • Alan Collins acted as a full time, volunteer Managing Director.  Honestly, with integrity and ALWAYS putting the game, and you people first. • enormous strides were made in recent years, and further improvements were earmarked in the way FISTF marketed itself, promoted itself, and administered itself - FISTF is now run like a lemonade stand, by people who have previously been proven to have mismanaged federations, finances and affairs • the general secretary of Australia – Peter Thomas, was allowed to defame Mr. Collins, with no action taken • Wales board member – Colin Lewis, was allowed to call Mr. Collins "corrupt", and no action was taken • a number of federations have told Alan Collins they said "no" to an extraordinary congress, where they are quoted to have said "yes"


So, FISTF is being run like an amateur club for mates.  It will not function and will continue to fail like in the 1990s.

I'm out, but will be working with many people in the game, here in Australia, and on a global scale.  Many of you are now learning the truth about the current FISTF board.  I will continue to act in my current capacity to you all, for no charge, as you try and continue with the strategies you had undertaken.

The Russians. Spanish, Italians, Singaporeans, Japanese – these guys are achieving great things, and should be used as benchmarks for what your clubs and associations need to be doing.  I can only applaud their efforts.

I am expecting the usual comebacks to this letter from the usual suspects, but everything I have said is true.  if you are told otherwise, I urge you to seek me out and ask more questions.  I am an open book and have nothing to hide.

There are a lot out there that are now hiding from the truth.

Thank you for those who supported me.  For the record, I was paid a commission for a licensing agreement, and an upfront modest goodwill fee.  I have worked recently for no return, because I see the potential of Subbuteo Table Football.  That potential will not be achieved with any involvement of FISTF.


CHRIS TANNER Managing Director   
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Onko kv. Subusta esimerkiksi Hönkille tai Zingalle tuttu Denis Bouchez ilmeisesti Belgiasta? Nimeni ja sähköpostini on ilmeisesti edelleen FISTFin tiedossa vuosilta 2009-2011 jolloin olin kv. toiminnassa mukana. Sieltä tuli tämän Bouchezin nimissä Belgian GP-turnauksesta meili. En ole sitä lukenut vielä mutta vain otsikon. Voin laittaa sen Hönkille tai Zingalle tai muille kiinnostuneille sähköpostitse. Mitenköhän tietoni voisi FISTFistä poistaa koska enää siellä rekisterissä olemiseen ei ole tarvetta?


Katsoin viestin niin tuo kutsu Belgian GP:n on lähetetty isolle joukolle ihmisiä joten oletettavasti tälläkin foorumilla osa on saanut saman meilin. Sieltä ei löytynyt (ainakaan nopeasti katsottuna) mitään tietoa miten voisi erota postituslistalta. Täytyy selvittää tuo jostain. Toisaalta, ei tuolta usein tule meiliä joten iso haitta ei ole siellä oleminen mutta ei siitä oikein mitään hyödykään.


Merkkaa roskapostiksi, jos et muuta keinoa löydä. Sitten ei enää tule häiritsemään näkyville.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Rossonero - heinäkuu 11, 2019, 12:31:24
Merkkaa roskapostiksi, jos et muuta keinoa löydä. Sitten ei enää tule häiritsemään näkyville.

Tosiaan. Hyvä idea, kiitos! Tai sitten blokkaan lähettäjän ja tämän käyttämän sähköpostiosoitteen ja asiasanat FISTF jne.