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Aloittaja Hönkki, kesäkuu 24, 2008, 13:24:08

« edellinen - seuraava »


Mielenkiintoista tulee olemaan, kun meillä joku pelaaja osallistuu WASPA-kisaan (koska sattuu olemaan matkoilla sopivassa paikassa), ja yhdistys antaa hänen luonnollisesti pelata myös yhdistyksen kisoissa (koska Suomessa jokainen pelaaja on tärkeä). Onko silloin yhdistys syyllistynyt johonkin, ja suljetaan FISTF:stä?


Nyt pitäis ilmoittaa Hannu Karpolle.
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Lainaahave the same goals of FISTF,  are in conflict with FISTF or try to divide the Table Soccer movement

Ei kuulemma olekkaan WASPAA varten. HönkkiBetin kerroin sille, että se on Subu ry:tä varten: 6.47

edit: en tiedä pitäisikö sitä pitää positiivisena vai negatiivisena, jos tulee kahteen kertaan bannatuksi FISTF:n foorumilta, mutta kyllä se omalla tavallaan merkittävää on.
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Lainaus käyttäjältä: Hönkki - kesäkuu 06, 2011, 12:38:46kahteen kertaan bannatuksi FISTF:n foorumilta, mutta kyllä se omalla tavallaan merkittävää on.
Mikä sun kakkosnicki on?
Runkkuringissä taotaan toistemme selkää
Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Tuolla SN foorumilla on ilmeisesti 2011-2012 kalenteri, mutta en saa sitä avatuksi. Enkä toisaalta viitsi kirjautua ko foorumille sitä varten.

Voisiko joku ystävällisesti laittaa tänne ensi kauden FISTF -kalenterin?


Editoimaton versio. Ei ole montaa viikonloppua jäljellä Helsinki openille.


MONTH TYPE Country City Conf. # Int. Matches Competition
From To Manager
03-Sep-2011 4-Sep-2011 Grand Prix Belgium Stembert yes Scheen
10-Sep-2011 11-Sep_2011 Grand Prix Wales Cardiff yes John Lauder
17-Sep-2011 18-Sep-2011 Free for national competition
24-Sep-2011 25-Sep-2011
01-Oct-2011 02-Oct-2011 International Open Italy Naples yes Alfredo Palmieri
08-Oct-2011 09-Oct-2011
15-Oct-2011 16-Oct-2011 Free for national competition
22-Oct-2011 29-Oct-2011
29-Oct-2011 30-Oct-2011 FISTF Champions L. to be defined to be defined yes To be defined
29-Oct-2011 30-Oct-2011 FISTF Europa L. to be defined to be defined yes To be defined
5-nov-11 6-nov-11
12-nov-11 13-nov-11 International Open Belgium Rochefort yes
19-nov-11 20-nov-11 Free for national competition
26-nov-12 27-nov-12 Grand Prix Germany Berlin yes Markus Tilgner
03-Dec-2011 04-Dec-2011 International Open Malta Sliema yes Silvio Catania
10-Dec-2011 11-Dec-2011 International Open Italy Milan yes Gianluca Galeazzi
17-Dec-2011 18-Dec-2011 Free for national competition
07-Jan-2012 8-Jan-2012 Grand Prix Austria Wien yes Heinz Eder
14-Jan-2012 15-Jan-2012 International Open Spain Madrid yes Luis Lopez
21-Jan-2012 22-Jan-2012 Free for national competition
28-Jan-2012 29-Jan-2012
4-feb-12 5-feb-12 Major Belgium Frameries yes Oliver Pere
11-feb-12 18-feb-12
18-feb-12 19-feb-12 Free for national competition
25-feb-12 25-feb-12 International Open Wales Rhondda yes Steve Evans
3-mar-12 4-mar-12 Grand Prix France Issy les Molineaux yes Thomas Ponte
10-mar-12 11-mar-12
17-mar-12 18-mar-12 Free for national competition
24-mar-12 25-mar-12
31-mar-12 1-apr-12 Major Netherland Amsterdam yes Robbert Thoen
7-apr-12 8-apr-12 International Open France Puylaurens yes Jean Francois Balard
14-apr-12 15-apr-12
21-apr-12 22-apr-12 Free for national competition
28-apr-12 28-apr-12 International Open Malta Hamrun yes Silvio Catania
28-apr-12 29-apr-12 Grand Prix Malta Sliema yes Silvio Catania
5-May-2012 5-May-2012 International Open Wales Knighton yes Tom Taylor
12-May-2012 13-May-2012 International Open Spain Palma de Maiorca yes Jose Castellano
19-May-2012 20-May-2012 Free for national competition
26-May-2012 27-May-2012 Major Italy Bologna yes Riccardo Marinucci
02-Jun-2012 03-Jun-2012 Grand Prix Portugal Sassoeiros yes Miguel Castro
09-Jun-2012 10-Jun-2012 International Open Austria Traiskirchen yes Christian Blumel
16-Jun-2012 17-Jun-2012 Free for national competition
23-Jun-2012 24-Jun-2012 Grand Prix Italy Rome yes Antonello Pizzolato
30-Jun-2012 01-Jul-2012 Grand Prix Spain Barcellona yes Piero Capponi
08-Jul-2012 09-Jul-2012
14-Jul-2012 15-Jul-2012 Major Greece Athens yes Leonidas Koutrumanos
21-Jul-2012 22-Jul-2012 World Cup Greece Athens yes FISTF
28-Jul-2012 29-Jul-2012
04-Aug-2012 05-Aug-2012
11-Aug-2012 12-Aug-2012 Major Austria Mattersburg yes Robert Lenz
AUGUST 18-Aug-2012 19-Aug-2012
25-Aug-2012 26-Aug-2012
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Ei ole kovin paljon tilaa, mutta järjestäminen samaan aikaan jonkun muun kisan kanssa onnistunee. Melkein pistäisin Helsinki Openin elokuulle, koska se on monissa Euroopan maissa lomakuukausi.


Onko yllä olevassa listassa Tanskan kisoja?
Te juutteihin kuukausi sitten tutustuneet: Vihjatkaapas heille, että järkkäisivät kisat keväällä 2012, niin kaiken natsatessa saletisti kohdalleen, saattaisi olla osanottajia kylmästä pohjolan takapajulasta.
S.P.Q.R. -> Sono pazzi questi romani


Tanskan kisoja ei osunut silmiin. Muistelen, että perinteisesti järkkäävät kevättalvella yhdet. Tänä vuonna elokuussa on myös kisat, eli ehkä järjestävät kahdet isommat kisat ensi vuonnakin.


Kekäs saapi ton filun auki SN:ltä "The decision of the Council". Olisko siellä jotain kiinnostavaa???


The Malta Grand Prix - VERDICT

Having received various reports from different players/officials involved for the incidents occurred during
the Malta Grand Prix, the Disciplinary board, had a very difficult time trying to assemble comments from all
those involved.
The MTFSA reported every circumstance and involved players and referees were requested to make an
official report to compile and address the situation to its best. However, not having a reference book to refer
to, discipline situations accordingly, the board referred to previous instances and previous disciplinary
reports and we had no other option rather than impose the below verdicts as our game is to be protected
from vulgarity.
The decisions are stated below and an appeal can concur to a higher disciplinary provided that not enough
substance is provided.

Markos Kampsambelis – Player sentence to 40€ fine and warned not repeat this behaviour.
Explanatory statement
Markos repeatedly argued during his matches with referee's decisions as also highlighted in the
organisation's report. This attitude is highly repreverted considering the effort imposed from the organisers
to host the event. He also showed too much aggression towards Joe Mifsud during their match after one of
his goals. Gesture clearly unacceptable.

Joseph Mifsud – Player sentenced to 40€ fine and warned not to repeat his behaviour.
Explanatory statement
Joseph created tension after his match with Markos Kampsambelis. He was disallowed two goals during the
match which might have provoked him to react in such way with Eugene Plytas (the referee). Attitude has to
be taken care of and severe discipline will take place provided that the player repeats gesture.

Derek Conti & Joe Borg Bonaci – Both players sentenced to 15€ each and warned not to repeat
Explanatory statement
Derek & Joe must be warned not to repeat gesture and to stand to the referee's statement. Their attitude
created some discomfort during the competition but as their reports clearly state, all was clarified within the
same day and normality reigned soon after.

Mark Gauci - Players sentenced to 35€ and warned not to repeat behaviour
Explanatory statement
His attitude during the match between Bormla and Valletta was completely out of place. The player was in a
restricted zone where one player from each team is allowed as the 5th man. Gauci was in the area while his
team was playing in a different zone. As an addition he tried to confuse the referee with gestures he should
not have made. He then acted towards Ebejer causing confusion during the match while some tried to calm
him down.

George Ebejer – Player warned not to repeat behaviour
Explanatory statement
Ebejer continued playing without showing any sign of retaliation what so ever but clearly stood up for his
point. He deliberately was shouting at Gauci and causing confusion in the venue.

Lazaros Papakostantinou – Player sentenced to 5 months suspension and fined 100€
(suspension to commence as from 1st August to 31st December)
Explanatory statement
Having been suspended for 3 months as decided by the previous disciplinary board by the letter dated
25.10.10, he seems not to have learned the lesson. The same abusive attitude reigned. Once more he refused
to play the last 40 seconds of the match against Stefano Tagliaferri and left the playing surface prior to end
of 1st half. His abusive attitude towards the referees was noted by everyone at the hall during most of his
matches and the organizing board also gave a clear description of the circumstance. He was also abusive
towards Silvio Catania who was organizing the event. Lazaros was complaining to every decision taken by
the referee during the Teams' event semi final (in which the organiser's comments were that the referee was
close to perfection). This unsporting behaviour cannot be accepted any longer and harsher sanctions have
had to take place when previous discipline had already been taken in consideration.
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Millon tulee eka kunnon nyrkkitappelu tai kuolonuhri....eihän tollasta pelleilyä jaksa kukaan  8)
Hajuton, mauton ja väritön, selvinpäin :D
TFC Lynx - Tää joukkue on perseestä, ja syvältä, ja perseestä. Oo-lee-o-le-o-le-o-lee..


Kunnon tuomioita kuitenkin. Papakonstantinoun saama etenkin ilahduttaa. Hönkkikin muistaa miehen Rainin kokouksesta ja on hänestä aikamoisia huhuja muutenkin kuulunut. Sinänsä hienoa, että hän oli Kreikan (siis laittoman liiton presidentin) valitsema edustaja Jäsenten Neuvostossa (Zinga tietää sitä kautta hyvin miehen). Naurettavaa tuomiossa on se, että se astuu voimaan vasta elokuussa, joten mies voi mennä MM-kisoihin...

Parempi vain pysyä mukavammissa turnauksissa. Niitäkin riittää.


LainaaHönkkikin muistaa miehen Rainin kokouksesta

Ai se oli se. Hänessä olikin jotain uhkaavaa ainakin Coppista kohtaan. Yllättävää että alkanut ryppyilemään myös Catanialle.
Tavoitteena 50 Hesu-kautta. Nyt menossa 38. kausi.


Nyt tuli Zingalle viivottimella sormille :o

LainaaDear Zinga,
I repeat one more time that I am the Sports Director FISTF.

I know that you and your friends just having fun on another forum, saying that i'm the puppet master, that i decide everything, that this federation is the FISDF and other similar nonsense.

In another forum you there dressed as wolves. Then you come here and want to dress up as sheep only for seems the victims. How can you demand respect? How can you think that someone will take it seriously?

P.S. one  clarification. Von K. claims that about 100 people have been banned from this forum. This is the list of banned:

Von K
Emil Thetrè

4 Finnish .......... is just a coincidence?

You surely don't listen to my advice. I am convinced that if you put all this energy in promoting the game, Finland is a nation with many more members than it has now.

P.P.S. - The players are in this forum to talk about table football, for  find information about tournaments, materials, rules........
Unlike other forums in wich they are connected together maximum 2 or 3 members,  in this forum we always have together from 20 to 50 people ....

My fear is that speaking always of controversy and never talk about sports, this forum will become a graveyard for 4 talkers being nothing like others........