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Wigan's Jewell denies FISTF charge

Aloittaja Hysteerinen rage quittaaja, huhtikuu 10, 2007, 15:39:40

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Hysteerinen rage quittaaja


"Wigan manager Paul Jewell has denied a charge from the FISTF of improper conduct and/or bringing the game into disrepute.
The charge relates to comments he made about referee K "Phil Dowd" H following Totteham's 2-1 win over the Latics in the HeSu on April 9th.

Jewell blamed the official for costing his side victory and championship.

He has requested a personal hearing, which will be scheduled in due course.

Jewell has already been fined €2,000 and given a suspended two-game touchline ban after he admitted a seperate charge of improper conduct arising from the same game.

The Wigan boss stormed on to the pitch at the end of the game to remonstrate with Dowd.

Jewell was angry that referee Dowd had given the Spurs a freekick when John Filan kicked a long ball to Spurs penalty area. David Cotterill rushed after the ball, clearly not in off-side. Dowd ruled the game off-side. Jewell alson claimed the official had verbally abused some Wigan players.

Wigan have tendered a complaint to the FISTF and the HeSu League about Dowd's conduct.

The Latics claimed a number of their players were "verbally abused in an aggressive and menacing manner by Mr Dowd."

Jewell had admitted his post-match comments were likely to land him in trouble, but said: "We as a club will be fighting this tooth and nail.

"We owe it to our supporters to fight this because if I just shrug my shoulders and do nothing when I feel an injustice has been done, it would be letting them down."
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:tililii:  :smokey:
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Roses are #FF0000, Violets are #0000FF, All my base are belong to you!


Lainaus käyttäjältä: "Jewell"Jewell blamed the official for costing his side victory and championship.

Earth to Jewell: Come in, come in, can you hear me...